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American Youth Soccer Organization

Westchester AYSO Region 1438

Safety Portal

Safety Guidelines

Heat Cramps

Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all serious (in some cases fatal) heat-induced conditions. It is imperative for the safety of your players and volunteers that you and your coaches know how to identify and treat them. When a body loses too much water and salt through sweat, muscles tend to cramp (particularly in the abdomen and legs). Players suffering from these painful "heat cramps" should:

  • Rest in a shady spot.
  • Sip one glass of cool water every 15 minutes until the pain relents.
  • If the player's parents are on hand, have them help by:
  • Massaging the affected muscles.
  • Applying cool, wet cloths to help relax the muscles.

Heat Exhaustion
Players with cool, moist, or flushed skin, heavy sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness, or muscle cramps may be experiencing heat exhaustion. This condition occurs when, because of high humidity or restrictive clothing, sweat is not properly evaporated and the body cannot cool down. To assist a player experiencing heat exhaustion\

  • Have the player lie down in a shady spot and elevate his or her feet.
  • Remove the child's shoes, shin guards, and socks.
  • Apply cold packs to the armpit and scalp areas.
  • Have the player drink water or an electrolyte solution.
  • Dampen the player's skin with cool cloths.
  • Fan the player to help evaporate excess sweat.

If the player's parents are on hand, have them:
Remove the player's shirt.
Apply cold packs to the groin area.

Heat Stroke
When a body completely loses the ability to cool itself, the internal temperature continues to rise resulting in heat stroke. If a player's temperature rises too quickly, brain damage and/or death may result. Players suffering from heat stroke may have hot, dry skin -- those with fair complexions may appear red, while darker-skinned individuals may appear gray. Victims may also experience a very rapid pulse and extremely high body temperature. In some cases, victims of heat stroke may seem confused, unresponsive, or even suffer from seizures. Recovery from heatstroke depends on the amount of time it takes to return the body temperature to normal, so immediate medical attention is imperative.

If you suspect that a player is suffering from heat stroke

  • Call 911 immediately.
  • Follow the recommended treatment for heat exhaustion.
  • DO NOT attempt to give any liquids.
  • Contact the player's parents.

Professional soccer players lose seven and a half pounds of sweat during a game. In order to avoid serious heat-induced conditions, players must drink enough fluids to replace that sweat. Every player should carry his or her own sports bottle to practice, and coaches need to stop for drink breaks every 15 minutes during the summer. Symptoms of dehydration may include:

  • Dry lips and tongue.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Dizziness or a loss of energy.

Parents, please make sure your players are drinking LOTS of water the day before especially the night before. Continue hydrating the morning/day of match. The child should be hydrated enough to sweat and not become so thirsty during a game where they "chug" water down. If they are feeling thirsty, their bodies are already starting to dehydrate.Bananas and/or apple about 15 minutes before they start warming up provides good sugars for energy and helps maintain hydration. On hot days, fruit smoothies are also a great cool down treat.

In addition to staying hydrated, wearing loose-fitting, lightweight clothing in light colors will help keep the body cool. Coaches must remember to conduct shorter, easier practices in the summer.

Weather Policy

Weather Concerns

Rain Policy

Please check here for any information regarding weather. Region 1438 would like to remind everyone to drink water, wear sunscreen and bring tents for sunny days as well as to bundle up and wear layers on the cold days. 

We Do Not Cancel Games for Rain
Unless otherwise notes on this page or our Facebook page, we do not cancel games for the weather. When you reach your field in the morning, take a cursory look around for mud patches and check with the ref about marking those with cones. Players can wear a long-sleeve shirts with no hood under their jersey to combat the cold, if needed.

If there is thunder or lightning, we stop play immediately and leave the field for a safe area (typically the car).  Play can not resume until 30 minutes after all thunder and lightning have stopped.

As always, safety first!

Heat Policy

When the game day heat is of concern, below is guidance we will put in place along with guidance to the referee teams who manage the games.

All games even the early ones before the heat increases will have increased water breaks. For example, a U10 match has two 25 minute halves, so the quarters are at the 12.5 minute mark. We will instruct the referee managing the game to give a water break at the 10 minute mark and break for 5 minutes. There will obviously be less playing time but more time to drink fluids.

  • Basically, all games will have extra water break per quarter, but do not stop the clock.
  • Please bring plenty of water.

In the event games are suspended, we will continue on with the season and call the games a draw. There will be no rescheduling.

Please bring lots of water for your players and ensure they’re hydrated even if the temperature is in the high 80’s or low 90’s. Hydration is essential regardless, so please ensure your players are staying hydrated.

We may have some visiting teams for our U12 and above divisions. Board members will be monitoring these games and will be the one to talk to the visiting coaches and their region coordinators in the event we suspend games. Visiting regions will most likely be checking our field conditions since as you know, the weather can be different across the valley.

Below is some additional information for you. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Safe Haven Certification

Safe Haven Course

Introducing the AYSO Safe Haven Course - One Size Fits All

After years of confusion over who had to take what, a new, universal Safe Haven course has been developed. The new AYSO's Safe Haven course will now take the place of the Safe Haven for Coaches, Safe Haven for Referees and B.A.S.I.C. courses for child and volunteer protection training of all new volunteers. Volunteers that have already completed Safe Haven training will remain certified.

The goal of AYSO's Safe Haven course is to create a universal understanding of the steps necessary to create a "safe haven" for all AYSO participants and of their roles in fostering a safe, fair, fun and family environment for children to experience AYSO soccer.

The course covers AYSO's vision and philosophies, volunteer requirements for child and volunteer protection, key objectives for promoting safety and injury prevention and the values and behaviors necessary to create a positive soccer experience for all AYSO children.

The lesson plan and the presentation are now being introduced to the membership. The course will be available for live, in-person instruction, through webinars and on AYSO's online training site.

Visit the AYSO U site to for more details.  

CDC Concussion Certification

Concussion Protocol

AYSO has partnered with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to use the “Heads Up” Concussion training tools in support of the following guidelines in order to ensure the safety of all our participants: 

The AYSO/CDC Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet should be used to inform parents and players about the potential risks associated with concussions. When required by state law, signatures of a parent and/or athlete must be obtained each membership year.
CDC Heads Up Concussion training is required for all coaches, referees, executive members, Advisory Commission members, Section/Area/Region board and staff members.

The AYSO/CDC Coach/Referee Action Plan provides coaches/referees with the signs and symptoms of concussion and the recommended steps to take whenever a player exhibits any sign or symptom.

AYSO requires the new AYSO Participation Release Form, signed by a parent/guardian, acknowledging that the player has been given clearance before the player can return to play.

AYSO strongly recommends that parents/guardians seek medical attention whenever a player exhibits any signs or symptoms of a concussion and obtain a clearance by a medical professional before the player is allowed to return to play. When required by state law, parents must obtain a medical clearance in addition to completing the Participation Release Form.

If a player exhibits any signs or symptoms of a concussion and is removed from play or not permitted to participate, the player may not return to play for the remainder of that day.
The Region Safety Director must receive an AYSO Incident Report, signed Participation Release, copy of the signed Player Registration Form and copy of any SAI claim whenever a player is removed from play due to signs/symptoms of concussion. Fax/email forms to [email protected].

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certification

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training
We have a new state mandated training requirement for all AYSO volunteers (administrators, board members, coaches, referees, coordinators, instructors, etc.).  This is a one-time only training for AYSO volunteers.

Please follow the below steps to get this completed ASAP:

  1.  Go to website:

  2.  Click on the “One-time Training” link in the table row pertaining to “Illinois”.

  3.  Create NFHS account by clicking “Sign-In” icon at top right of webpage.

  4.  “Order” Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) course…….it is free of charge!

  5.  Course takes about 15 minutes to complete (simple 6 question quiz at end of course).

  6.  Save completion certificate as a pdf (keep for your records).

Contact Us

Westchester AYSO Region 1438


Email: [email protected]

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